It’s that time again – Election Season, and the debate over student loans has already begun to heat up, much earlier than ever before!

While I’m sure we’re going to see plenty of more contenders announce their candidacy in the weeks and months ahead, I want to get ahead of the ball in reporting where each candidate currently stands in terms of their plans for dealing with the student loan debt crisis, and handling the problem of college affordability (or more realistically, unaffordability).

With that said, let’s go through each of the candidate’s views and thoughts on dealing with student debt.

Debt Free vs. Tuition Free Platforms

Back during the 2016 election, we saw Presidential Candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders go toe to toe on the issue of how to deal with student debt, and while each of the proposed a platform that sounded relatively similar, the reality is that their approaches were quite different.

What’s the difference between Debt Free Colleges and Tuition Free Colleges?

Debt-Free College supporters claim that by offering students the ability to avoid taking out any loans in the first place, basically telling them that they can get a degree without any debt, means that our limited resources can be directed to the most at-need students, those with the worst economic backgrounds, who truly do need the help most.

Tuition-Free College supporters argue that the simplicity of this promise will make it more likely for low-income individuals to take on the challenge of attending school, instead of doubting the validity of the program, worrying about all the required paperwork, rules, and traps that could potentially leave them drowning in debt because they didn’t perfectly follow the directions of a complicated debt-free program.

Get Help With Your Loans!

If you're truly struggling with student loan debt, then you should consider paying a Student Loan Debt Relief Agency for help. Why? Because the people working at these companies deal with student loans all day, every day, and they're your best chance at figuring out how to get your loans back under control.

For help with Federal Student Loans call the Student Loan Relief Helpline at 1-888-906-3065. They will review your case, evaluate your options for switching repayment plans, consolidating your loans, or pursuing forgiveness benefits, then set you up to get rid of the debt as quickly as possible.

For help with Private Student Loans call McCarthy Law PLC at 1-877-317-0455. McCarthy Law will negotiate with your lender to settle your private loans for much less than you currently owe (typically 40%), then get you a new loan for the lower, settled amount so you can pay off the old loan, repair your credit and reduce your monthly payments.

I've spent 10 years interviewing debt relief agencies, talking to all sorts of "experts", and these are the only two companies that I trust to help my readers. If you have a bad experience with either of them, please make sure to come back and let me know about it in the Comments!

Why Are We Facing Such a Crisis with Student Loans?

To be honest, I think the problems we’ve seen resulting from Betsy DeVos’s handling of the Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Programs in recent years has driven a lot more skepticism into people than ever before, and I’m not sure I’d believe the Government’s promises at this point either.

After all, with so few people getting approved for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, so many have trouble getting Borrower’s Defense to Repayment Discharges, and all the problems we’ve seen from student loan servicing companies enrolling people in the wrong Federal Student Loan Repayment Plans, I’m not at all surprised that people are wary to believe the Department of Education’s promises.

One other argument proposed by the Tuition-Free College advocates is that they claim making the benefit available to everyone, including middle class and even rich families, is going to help convince everybody that this isn’t just a support program for low-income families, but one that each and every American can take advantage of, and should thus support.

Democrats are likely to take the lead on this issue, after all, it’s a traditionally liberal platform, and not the sort of thing that Republicans have been strong on in years past, but we’ll need to look at each candidates propositions in detail to determine exactly what each of them are suggesting doing.

Student Debt Relief Programs (Forgiveness, Discharges, Cancellation, etc.)

Now, while I absolutely applaud attempts to improve college affordability and debt limiting options for future students, I think our more important issue should be what we’re going to do about all the current student loan debt floating around that there, holding people back from being able to buy houses, start families and just generally pursue the American Dream.

Fortunately, there are very good indications that the entire Democratic field will be focusing specifically on the issue of existing student loans, and proposing all sorts of creative and interesting options for increasing access to Student Loan Debt Forgiveness, Discharge and other Relief Programs.

I can tell you from first-hand experience that these are issues desperately in need of reform, especially considering the rampant levels of stress and frustration generated by existing student loan laws, which are complicated, confusing and in many cases, downright unfair.

There are all sorts of things that can be done on the relief side of things, from improving access to Income-Driven Student Loan Repayment Plans to finally allowing borrowers to Refinance their Federal Student Loans, but perhaps the best option would be to start actually issuing approvals for Federal Debt Forgiveness Programs which are supposed to be offering thousands of discharges, and yet have been held up by the DeVos Department of Education for a number of reasons.

Programs like the Non Profit Student Loan Forgiveness Program, the Government Employee Student Loan Forgiveness Program, and the Military Student Loan Forgiveness Program are NOT operating as they were intended to, with people waiting months, if not years, to receive a response from the DOE about the status of their applications, and this is simply unforgivable if you ask me.

DOE needs to get its act together and start issuing the benefits that have been promised to generations of students, but especially those attending college in the wake of President Obama’s Student Loan Reforms, who desperately need assistance with their loans, and who deserve to be able to utilize the benefits programs they were promised before agreeing to borrow money for school!

My hope is that Democratic candidates will spend a great deal of time making this a front and center issue, talking about the rampant corruption and misconduct of the existing Department of Education Leadership, the fact that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has been gutted of resources, preventing from investigating for-profit scam organizations run by the biggest name-brand schools in the country, and issuing suggestions on how to clean up the massive mess that the country faces on this front.

Student Loan Refinancing

One of the biggest student loan-related issues to reach the national stage in the past decade has been the discussion of whether or not Federal student debt should be eligible for refinancing.

Way back in 2014, Elizabeth Warren came the closest to getting this issue national attention, and moving the needle in a meaningful way with her proposal to allow student loan refinancing for all Federal loan borrowers, via a program called the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act.

This proposed Act, which received the support of President Obama, sought to provide refinancing opportunities for about 25 million Americans, offering an average of about $2,000 in total lifetime costs savings for their Federal student debt, but it was shot down soon after being introduced, and as far as I’ve seen, never seriously been considered again.

2020 should be different, however, as we’ve endured 4 years of inept Republican leadership (at least on the student loan issue), which has failed to do anything at all to alleviate the student debt crisis, and because college debt has become such a bigger burden than ever before, I think it’s extremely unlikely that we won’t see several ideas around refinancing get tossed around by the candidates.

In fact, I think this will be a huge part of the student loan reforms proposed on the Democratic side, because it’s a pretty easy fix, doesn’t cost nearly as much as forgiveness or discharge programs, and is the sort of legal update that very few people will be against.

Why? Because everyone understands the benefits of refinancing a mortgage, a car loan, or some other big debt; why would student debt be the one type of loan that can never be adjusted after the fact?

I see a huge amount of demand for refinancing options from my readers, who are constantly asking questions about Federal Student Loan Consolidation Options, but who basically are cut off from refinancing benefits unless they take their loans Private, which is almost never a good idea.

I’d bet real money that we’ll see all sorts of proposals along the refinancing lines, and you shouldn’t be at all surprised to see Elizabeth Warren lead the way on this issue, considering she was already hitting it heavily way back in 2014.

Student Loan Bankruptcy Reform

One thing that major media outlets never seem to want to discuss is the fact that for some crazy reason (I’ll explain why in a moment) it’s still extremely difficult to Discharge Federal Student Loans via Bankruptcy.

Why doesn’t the mainstream media talk about this? Because the big banks, student loan servicing companies and the Federal Government itself would stand to lose billions, perhaps even trillions of dollars in letting those defaulted debts get wiped out via bankruptcy proceedings.

In my opinion, this is probably the biggest injustice in the entire Federal student loan debt industry, as even people who are absolutely buried in debt and who have no chance of ever paying it off end up taking it to the grave, since bankruptcy simply won’t help in most cases.

Why should we be able to wipe out massive amounts of credit card debt, car loan debt, and mortgage debt with the stroke of a pen, while student loans simply cannot be discharged?

Was it Always This Bad?

Most people don’t realize it, but it used to be no big deal to eliminate Federal student debt via filing for bankruptcy, and that people used to do this all the time way back in the 70’s and even the 80’s.

It was until the 1990’s that bankruptcy reforms were enacted and it became much more difficult to eliminate student loans via bankruptcy, and then again in 2005 when Congress further tightened the restrictions via the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005.

Once again, I cannot be any ore clear about why these rules were instituted: it’s because big banks, big lenders, and higher education lobbyists don’t want to open up the floodgates, allowing billions of dollars in student debt to be eliminated over night, but there has to come a breaking point where we finally start allowing more people to get rid of the excessive debt preventing them fro participating as productive members of the American economy.

I think the bankruptcy issue will be a huge deal for the 2020 election, and I would expect either Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders to lead the charge on reforms here.

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren is one of the old champions of student debt reform, and to be honest, the new Warren Student Loan Debt Proposal is the best I’ve EVER seen!

And while Senator Warren has never had much success getting Proposals passed since President Trump got elected, she’s definitely been fighting to him and the Republican agenda for years, introducing many bills that proposed to make things better for borrowers.

She’s also repeatedly attacked the Department of Education’s handling of the student loan debt crisis, been an outspoken critic of the way that Student Loan Servicing Companies botched their logistics duties, and helped lead the charge in reigning these wayward bad actors back to heel by proposing the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a watchdog agency that has been battling with for-profit schools and terrible debt servicing companies since it’s creation way back in 2010.

In 2014, she proposed the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act, which would have allowed all Federal borrowers to gain the ability to refinance their loans, and which would have been a huge step in the right direction on student loan reforms, but Republicans in Congress blocked this bill from being passed and the initiative has been dead in the water ever since.

When Elizabeth Warren proposed a new “Wealth Tax” on rich households, she mentioned that some of the funds collected via this tax should be earmarked toward student loan relief, and she also co-sponsored a bill from Senator Brian Schatz that sought to apply Federal funds to helping staves provide college educations at no cost to low income students, covering the costs of housing, food, books and even school supplies.

Unfortunately, most of the things Elizabeth Warren has proposed or even discussed in the past simply haven’t been able to get put into law because she’s been battling against staunch opposition from the Republican-controlled Congress, but if I had to pick just one candidate from the Democratic field to trust on the student loans issue, it would probably be Senator Warren (sorry Bernie fans, I just think that Warren would be able to get more done than he could!).

One thing I particularly like about Warren is that she seems to be at least as dedicated to solving this issue as Bernie, but that she is actually getting things done whereas Bernie just issues proclamations and proposals.

I also think it’s incredible that Senator Warren isn’t afraid to attack individual bad actors who are truly responsible for creating, enabling and aggravating the debt crisis, which is something we need to bring back in vogue; I am totally cool with blaming individuals for the problems they cause and making sure that they face legal and financial repercussions when they do illegal or immoral things!

This attitude and fearlessness can be seen in Senator Warren’s Tweet from November 20th, 2018, which is exactly the type of approach I think needs to be brought to this issue:

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Student loan giant <a href=””>@Navient</a> denied allegations that it cheated student borrowers – while sitting on a federal audit that proved it had done just that. The CEO should be held accountable for 1) sabotaging students in the first place, and 2) lying to the public to cover it up. <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) <a href=””>November 20, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Senator Warren is not scared to speak her mind on student debt, and because of her background in actually getting things done on this issue, like by creating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, supporting lawsuits and investigations against the for profit schools and servicing companies, and sponsoring or at least supporting all sorts of bills seeking to enact student debt reforms, I think she’s one of the strongest candidates in the entire field on student loans.

Elizabeth Warren’s new Proposal was finally published on April 22nd, 2019, and you can see my full views on it here.

Bernie Sanders

The darling of the 2016 Election, rallying point for millennials and pretty much anybody with a bone to pick against the Capitalist system we all live under, Bernie Sanders is sure to be one of the strongest candidates on student loans, and I would definitely put him right up there with Elizabeth Warren as the best potential choice for handling the student loan crisis in a reasonable way that helps borrowers rather than banks.

Back in 2016, Bernie Sanders’ proposed “Free College Plan” sought to offer public colleges with ZERO tuition for everybody, and this idea spread like wildfire, generating a ton of attention and virtually complete support from everyone other than Republicans, Banks and Wealthy Elites.

This plan was supposed to be lead by the Federal Government, who would provide two-thirds of the funding for the initiative, working with individual States, who would be required to pay the remaining one-third of the cost.

Celebrated by pretty much everyone on the left, and derided by the Republicans and Mainstream Media, Bernie was attacked viciously by big business and especially Wall Street, thanks to his suggestion that part of the funding for this program could be generated by imposing new taxes on Investment Houses, Hedge Funds and transactions involving Stocks, Bonds and Derivatives.

Bernie literally declared war against Wall Street with this proposal, which is why so many of the little people love him, and why so many of the well-heeled elite can’t stand him, and went to great lengths to do anything in their power to prevent him from getting the Democratic nod back in 2016.

While I don’t want to get into a discussion of the conspiracy theories surrounding everything that was done to keep Bernie off the main stage and out of the limelight, or about the feasibility of actually paying for the costs of his proposed Free College program, I do want to say that I would absolutely support the kinds of student loan reforms that Bernie has been proposing and/or supporting!

I think Bernie Sanders would be a fantastic President on the student loan debt issue, and I think he’s fully capable of bringing much-needed relief to the borrowing masses by siding with ordinary Americans against the big banks, for-profit schools and student loan servicing companies that have been abusing all of us for so long.

Even after Hillary had secured the Democratic nomination, Bernie continued to support and champion these sorts of issues, backing her proposal to make college tuition-free for middle class families, and debt-free for everybody, which would have been a huge step in the right direction of preventing further excessive college debt from accumulating.

Finally, in 2017 Bernie proposed a new bill called the College for All Act which sought to offer tuition-free college to any students from families making less than $125,000 a year, and offering free community college to 100% of the American population, regardless of income levels.

This proposal, as usual, was shot down by Republicans, but can you fault the guy for trying? Bernie is our dog in this fight, and if we can trust anyone to duke it out toe to toe with the big banks and big finance houses preventing any real reforms from getting enacted, I think it’s Bernie.

Perhaps the best thing about Bernie is that he clearly takes a moral stance against the crisis, and the abuse that student loans lead to, and I don’t think you could put it any better than he did with his tweet back from December, 2018, reading:

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>U.S. student loan debt outstanding reached a record $1.465 trillion last month.<br><br>You know the most revolting part of this crisis?<br><br>The federal government makes billions in profits off of student loans each year.</p>&mdash; Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) <a href=””>December 17, 2018</a></blockquote>
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While Bernie hasn’t published his official position for 2020 yet, I’ll be sure to update this page as soon as all his details are released!

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris has been making big waves lately across all sorts of topics, but where does she stand on student debt?

She clearly supports a significant update to the current college financing process, signaled by her co-sponsorship of the Schatz bill to offer debt-free college educations, and her support of Bernie’s 2017 College for All Act, so I’m not concerned about where her opinion lies and I think she’ll certainly support the significant reforms we need on student debt.

She’s also absolutely against the for-profit colleges, perhaps the biggest problems in the entire student loan industry, and helped to put down the corrupt and totally amoral Corinthian Colleges several years ago in her role as California Attorney General.

It was literally her office that won over $1,000,000,000 (that’s $1 BILLION, with a “B”) in a settlement against the school, bringing much-needed relief to hundreds of thousands of Americans who had been scammed by Corinthian Colleges, WyoTech, Everest and Heald, all of which have been shut down in the aftermath of the investigation and judgment against them.

I would support Kamala as being friendly toward student loan issues, but I don’t think she’s going to champion them quite like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders would, as her platform seems to be more focused on other sorts of concerns and issues, so while I’d say she could be good for student debt, she’s certainly not my first pick in the race.

Kirsten Gillibrand

I haven’t personally been following Gillibrand since she’s on the other side of the country (I’m in CA and she’s in NY), but she seems to have a good concept of what needs to happen on student loans, as she also co-sponsored Senator Schatz’s debt-free college proposal, and supported Bernie’s 2017 College for All Act as well.

She hasn’t put out the full student loan platform yet for 2020, but in February, she did mention that one of her top priorities as President, and one of the first things she’d do, is to make sure that borrowers gain access to Federal Student Loan Refinancing opportunities, stating that she’d offer the option of refinancing at a 4% interest rate right off the bat.

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Student debt is at a crisis level in this country, and it holds our whole economy down. One of the first things I&#39;d do as president is allow all students to refinance their loans at 4%. The federal government shouldn&#39;t be making money off the backs of our students, period.</p>&mdash; Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) <a href=””>February 18, 2019</a></blockquote>
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This is definitely helpful, though nowhere near as important as supporting the Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Programs that have stalled under President Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and so I’m glad to see that she’s at least paying lip service to the issue, prioritizing the debt crisis, and signalling that she would be on the right side of this problem.

As you can see in her Tweet above, she’s got a good handle on the issue (I too believe that we’re at crisis levels and that student loans are holding the entire economy back), so I could certainly support her bid for President because I think she’s going to help improve things for all of us.

Cory Booker

Cory Booker was another co-sponsor for Senator Schatz’s debt-free college bill, so he’s certainly friendly to the student loan reform movement, but he hasn’t done a whole lot outside of that single action to indicate how he’d approach the crisis.

He did propose a radical new program that suggested creating a $1,000 account for every baby born in the United States at birth, managed by the Treasury Department and offering 3% interest, which kids would be able to tap into at the age of 18 in order to either pay for college or buy a new home, but I’m not sure this would be enough to actually fix the student loan problem we face.

I do like the concept of this program, especially if it can truly be controlled in a way that we guarantee the funds are actually spent on school or home purchases (both of which help power the economy), but because Senator Booker hasn’t really even referenced student loans outside of this proposal and his co-sponsoring of the Schatz bill, I don’t find him particularly appealing as a candidate.

We’ll see though. This could all change when he publishes his full platform for 2020, and as soon as the details emerge, I’ll update this page with the new information!

Amy Klobuchar

Senator Amy Klobuchar is clearly breaking ranks with the Democratic pack, having stated:

I am not for free four-year college for all, no… I wish – if I were a magic genie and could give that to everyone and we could afford it, I would

Now, this alone doesn’t make me say that she’s no good or wouldn’t be able to help solve the student loan reform crisis, because personally I think the biggest issue is not about creating new debt, but dealing with the existing debt already on the books, and which absolutely needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Senator Klobuchar said that our national debt is already too high for us to offer a major “free college program”, but she has supported policies to reduce the financial costs of college and student loan debt.

Some of the ideas she discussed include expanding Pell Grants, allowing borrowers to refinance their student loans, and making it easier for students to sign up for job training programs that aren’t traditional 4 year college degree programs, which, arguably, don’t work as well as they should in preparing students to work in the real world.

Personally, I’m kind of drawn to Senator Klobuchar’s more realistic approach to the student debt crisis, and I think she may have a much better shot at getting things done compared to an idealist, crusader like Bernie, but I wish she would start talking about solutions for dealing with the existing debt on record, perhaps signaling support for better Forgiveness, Cancellation or Discharge Programs.

Like the other candidates, her full platform for 2020 isn’t available yet, but I’ll update this page as soon as details emerge. I’m keeping a close watch on her and may end up supporting her, but it all depends on what her specific platform ends up looking like.

Tulsi Gabbard

I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for Representative Tulsi Gabbard, a Veteran and strong support of Military Education Benefits Programs like the Forever GI Bill, but she hasn’t done a whole lot to signal her opinions on student loans, so I’m reserving judgment on her regarding this issue until more details emerge.

I can say that she supported the free college concept, co-sponsoring the House version of the Bernie Sanders College for All Act, so at least we know that she’s into the idea, and wants to do something about the crisis, but like I’ve mentioned above, I think the bigger issue is dealing with existing debt in a a reasonable way, rather than starting some immensely expensive new program that will make college entirely free for everyone.

I’ll certainly update this page as soon as Tulsi’s positions on the issue are fully explained.

Howard Schultz

Howard Schultz, the Billionaire who wants to be referred to as a “Person of Means” or “Person of Wealth” (are you freaking kidding me Howard?) may be a nice middle-of-the-road negotiator type, much more practical than some of the Democratic dreamers involved in the race, but I just can’t see myself getting behind this guy.

Anyone who can’t even handle being called a “Billionaire” is unlikely to be able to deal with the personal attacks that are sure to come from taking on Wall Street, Big Money, Big Banks, Big Lenders, Big Edu and all the other invested interests in keeping the student loans status quo in place, so I don’t think Howard Schultz would be able to get anything done on this issue.

Personal opinions aside, I do agree with his stance on some of the free college proposals, which I think are certainly a bridge too far, and one that the Republicans WILL choose to die on, and potentially win elections because of, so I am happy that he’s approaching the issue with a more sensible, logical analysis of it, like he signaled in an NPR Morning Edition interview back in January, where he said:

Government-paid, free college for all – first of all, there’s no free. I mean nothing is free

The reality here is that he is right on this concept – “free” college isn’t actually free, it’ll mean spending WAY more tax dollars on covering the costs of tuition and other expenses, which could lead to schools rapidly inflating their prices again, as they always do when more support is offered, which could lead to even bigger abuses in the higher education industry.

Back in 2014, Schultz approached student loans in a pretty sensible way with Starbucks, creating a program that offered tuition assistance to employees, and even covering the full costs of a 4-year degree program for some candidates, so while he may not have the backbone to get things done on the national stage, he does at least have a few ideas, a rational approach to the problem, and some experience making things better in this specific area.

We’ll see though. Maybe the “Billionaire” complaint was taken out of context or overblown by the Media, and since Schultz hasn’t put out his full student loans platform yet, I could still see myself supporting him eventually, but I’m skeptical that he’s our guy.

Donald Trump

While I previously thought that Donald Trump had a chance to become THE Student Loans President – especially after the glib, honest talk he provided on the issue during the 2016 election, I’ve never been more disappointed in a politician than I am with the way he turned 180 degrees around and stabbed all of us in the back on student debt.

First of all, appointing Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education? Are you freaking kidding me? The same Betsy DeVos who has all sorts of ties to the corrupt, terrible for-profit colleges and literally being related to owners of the biggest student loan servicing companies on planet earth, each of which have wreaked havoc on American students and borrowers?

Even after it was proven that she clearly had no clue how to handle her role, President Trump refused to back down and forced her through the approvals process, giving her complete control of the single most important public body related to student debt, and basically putting a fox in charge of guarding the hen house.

Betsy DeVos has been DISASTROUS for the student loan debt crisis, filling her Department with ex for-profit school officials, student loan servicing company executives, and regularly being cited as doing all the wrong things by watchdog agencies like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Not only has she prevented any real progress from being made on reforming borrowing, lending and other support for borrowers, but she’s literally halted or dismantled all the incredible reforms put in place by President Obama’s Student Loan Forgiveness Program way back in the late 2000’s.

In fact, Betsy DeVos has single-handedly ruined some of the most important Federal Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Programs, including the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program and the Borrower’s Defense Against Repayment Program, preventing people who qualified for PSLF from actually receiving their benefits, and literally HALTING reviews of BDAR Applications.

All of this isn’t necessarily her fault though, since she obviously reports to President Trump, who has the power to remove her at any point in time, so I blame President Trump for failing to follow through on his student loan-related campaign promises, and I honestly cannot stress the point enough that anyone struggling with student debt needs to be firmly against President Trump’s reelection.

If you are having trouble with your college loans, please, do not let Trump pull the wool over your eyes AGAIN. No matter what he says in the run up to the 2020 election, DO NOT BELIEVE IT!

This man clearly does not speak the truth, only says what he thinks people want to hear, and will not follow through on his promises to do anything positive for student loan borrowers in serious distress.

If student loan issues and reforms are your most important issue for the 2020 election, and you cast a vote for Donald Trump, then you’re voting directly against your own best interests, and you will deserve all the stress, frustration and financial problems that emerge as a direct result of your support for him.

Where Can I Get Help With My Loans?

Now that we’ve gone through each of the candidate’s views on the student loan crisis in detail, let me offer you the chance to figure out how to tackle your debt and ensure that you get rid of it as quickly and affordably as possible.

I built this website to help people Get Rid of Student Debt Without Paying for It, and over the last decade, I’ve created over 100 different Guides to different parts of the student loan process.

To make sure that you’re approaching your debt in the best way, please take a look at the links below, which include Guides for people with both Federal and Private debt.

For Help with Federal Student Loan Debt, visit my Guides on:

And if you need Help with Private Student Loan Debt, you’ll want to look at my Guides on:

Finally, if you have questions about how to deal with your loans, if you have updates for any of the material presented above about the 2020 Presidential Election candidates, or if you just want to chat, please do feel free to post in the Comments section below.

I review Comments on a daily basis, and I will do everything I can to get you a quick response!

NOTE: Please do not attempt to contact me via Email or Facebook. I only respond to Comments posted here on FSLD.

Finally, Please Help Me Out!

As you can probably tell, this website takes a great deal of time, effort and energy to manage.

I have to remain up to date on all of the latest deadlines, rules, etc., which means I spent hours and hours each and every single day monitoring for rules changes, legal changes, and new programs.

But I can only dedicate so much time to managing the site if people are actually using it, which means I need as many people to visit as possible, otherwise it becomes a losing proposition.

If you found the content of this page useful, please consider helping me out by sharing it with your family, friends or colleagues.

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Thank you so much for your support, and please do make sure to come back soon!

Disclaimer:Information obtained from Forget Student Loan Debt is for educational purposes only. You should consult a licensed financial professional before making any financial decisions. This site receives some compensation through affiliate relationships. This site is not endorsed or affiliated with the U.S. Department of Education.


Tim's experience struggling with crushing student loan debt led him to create the website Forget Student Loan Debt in 2011, where he offers advice, tips and tricks for paying off student loans as quickly and affordably as possible.